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Special Events

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  • May 2, 2024
    Make-A-Wish Canada

What your team put helped make happen for Susy’s Wish was curated to her sweet hopes, no pun
intended. Your team and establishment delivered pure magic to Susy and her family. Susy’s parents
were at a loss for words of how to begin to say thank you for having them, and the incredible
patience and kindness you showed them all. As we took one last photo before they were heading
home mom said “I’ve never seen Susy smile so big” and that is the power of a wish.
Thank you for your incredible support in granting Susy’s Wish!
Wishing you and your team all the best,
Renée Champagne
Senior Manager, Mission Advancement
Make-A-Wish Canada

Special Events

  • January 12, 2024
    Annie Mary Tea Room Grand Opening

To Reserve your party

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Ladies having Tea Time
